Thursday, April 22, 2010



So I just skyped it up with Blue not too long ago. Talking about the future with him excites me. UNKO has so much in store, and for everyone who has supported and been there from the get-go.. Buckle Up.
Blue also questioned my possible Romance with Saundra. #Lies lol.
Blues also been checking out my Blog.. like recent posts and shit lol, and I feel like if it has kept Blue's Interest, It's legit! ha. We thought about doing Combined Blogging or whatever. Thad be fuckin tight. But we don't need that many Blogspots., btw.

I told Blue that it sucks that I can't post everything I really want to (Like when I used to on Myspace, I knew who could.would read my shit.)
but because this Blog is so open and A) people would be super angry with me when/if they figured I was talkin bout them lol.. and B) You guys would really know a shit load 'about' my life. ! And I would hate for y'all to think that you've got me figured out.
BUT -Most importantly, Blue told me "DO IT." and fuck what everybody would say or think.
I think I'm going to take his advice, but I'm almost certain this will bite back every now and then.. Fuck it.
..well, we'll see. If I start that again, it'll take me a while to ease into it.

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