Monday, June 28, 2010


I mean, whassup? So I can tell I'm getting uglier. . .

That's cool. The first step is acceptance.
My skin pigments are darkening. I'm losing that sweet Rojo Caramel complexion I had and I'm getting black. Shoutouts to the Sun.
I got all kinds of new scars.
I neverrr got bit not once when I was at school. Out in the Country. But since I've been home, I've got these new ankle freckles and other random scratched up/scaring bite marks assorted over my body. Shoutouts to the Irving Mosquito Department.
But it's not just them,
Shoutouts to my bitch'sister's fingernails. as well as my own.
-As far as me, I've been picking the f u c k out of my nail bed. Another bad habit of mine, and geez. Blood Everywhere. Not to mention I'm on my period, so I'm like fucking Bloody Mary right now.
But don't worry guys, I'm plugged and I've got bandaids for my flanges.

I planned on saying more but I'll keep my followers and bite my tongue. I'll save it for another day.

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