Friday, October 22, 2010


I'm touching down at my crib; I knew it was going to be a late night, but not this late. I haven't stayed up this long in a while it feels like-- cause I get in that school mentality where bedtimes are a must. Took fucking Summer 1 and 2 which put me in that mentality early, and then Fall semester...
anyways, I wanted to squeeze in a post before I pass out.

Get-togethersz in Denton are known to branch off into long discussions, but 1 it's been a super long time, and 2, they're usually about sex. Tonight however, we got the talking about racial equality and stereotypes. That lasted a few hours, then we somehow carried the conversation over to movies. Every genre, all types of movies. A huge breakdown of movies like we were preparing for a goddamn award show, nominating and debating which movie was what and who exactly acted in it.

We stretched these topics out for hours, and no complaints here. These are two subjects I'm becoming very passionate about. Good intellectual talk, tonight.

I'm sure glad to be going to sleep though.



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