Friday, October 29, 2010

Unkommon Kolor goes on tour today

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lol.. but yes, Me, Blue, Biggers, and Marcus (minus Sam and Eric) are heading out on a blastful road trip. We'll be heading to Houston first, whassup H-Town.. and then Austin, Sunday. What business will be bringing us? We're closing some deals in other popular Texas boutiques.

Meantime, we'll be sure to link up the Nice Guys fam and their awesome entourage. I swear those guys have the keys to the city. Saundra said breakfast on her at this bomb ass place she took me last time I was in the H. I'm trying to make her take me shopping and shit too haha. We're real prone to taking care of each other when one of us visits, and that might me one of the more gayer sounding things I've said.. no homo.. I'm also trying to see how MacKenzies living; hopefully I'll be able to pinch time for that Sunday. Regardless, it'll be tons of fun, for sure!

As you can imagine, I might be busier than usual and I don't have a laptop anymore, so it'll be difficult to keep up with blogging. BUT, If I can steal one of these guysz computers, I'll be sure to keep you posted.
Departure in a few minutes... yeeeee!

(P.S.) Shoutouts to the french young lady following my blog! Idk why, but that excites me mucho


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