Wednesday, December 28, 2011

11:03pm :D

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  1. i would like to be your friend. youre cool and im sure we'd get along. i know this is weak as fuck and even though im in denton all the time and ive probably seen you at wal mart or something i would never reveal myself. i love people like you. that cool grey giveaway thing..sweet girl, you are. never change. i wish you all the success in the world..and beyond.

  2. Well thank you very much. and no, no. I can tell by you're first two sentences the kind of person I could expect you to be, and those people are awesome.

    If you wish not to reveal yourself, that's cool.. just don't be a creep about it. lol. you know, don't peak around corners, but whatever. But holler if you'd like. a handshake never hurt anybody. unless you have arthritis.
